Plato and the Seismic Catastrophe in 12th Century Athens

Plato, who lived in the 4th century B.C., wrote the dialogue Timaeos and Critias when he was 52 years old. In this he describes a catastrophe in Athens from an earthquake in the presence of excessive rain. He also describes several details, not visible in his century, in the Acropolis of Athens. These details are a spring and architectural details of buildings in which the warriors used to live. In Critias he mentions that the destruction of the spring was caused by earthquakes. He also refers to the catastrophe of Atlantis with Athenian warriors on it by an earthquake and the sinking of the land. The time of the catastrophe of Atlantis was not defined by him but it is implied that it occurred after the assault of the Atlantes in the Mediterranean. Archaeological excavations confirmed the existence of the spring which was about 25 m deep with respect to the present day walking level. Dated ceramics found at its bottom denote the last function of the spring to be in the early 12th century B.C. (...)
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See also: Stavros Papamarinopoulos' paper at the 2008 Paris Conference on Quantavolution
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